Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Miles Kendall child prnographer and pedophile

here's the story and how it all goes down. Yeah blah blah blah he had extreme plastic surgery. we all knows he has issues for doing such a thing like that. He's a joke in England and hes even a bigger joke in America. He think he is some big celebrity because he has had a few run ins with some famous people when in actuality the only reason those famous people wanted to meet him was to basicly redicule him behind his back and to the press. He was active in an online website commited to abolishing the death penalty, me an dmy wife are both against the daeth penalty so through this forum site my wife had met and chatted with miles kendall seveal times over several months.
my wife had been introduced to Miles by a woman i wont name due to autonomy and privacy. This woman has a son in prison, whom Miles was evidently using his fame and family money to try and get this kid out of prison. ( we now know why he wanted to get him out). In the mean time he convinced this boys mother whome hed corrisponded with for many months online to a personal visit. That we were invited to join in on. so we all agred to go to St. Augustine florida a few miles up the road from where we live. to make a long story short Miles married this AMerican woman to basicly get residency in teh USA. we soon moved around the corner from them. adn were visiting with them and decided to go get a few good movies to watch, reluctantly we left our child with miles and the woman he was married to here in teh usa. when we came back our child was playing a 1200 dollar guitar that he said they just decided to give to him for no apparent reason. later on we watched teh movie and our child was sittin next to miles cuz he childishly liked miles. me and my wife both clearly saw that miles was rubbbin our childs leg, and maybe something else, so we non chalantly told him to come sit next to us, my suspection is that Miles conviced a woman who thought was loved by Miles to give teh child the guitar as a gift to keep his mouth shut about something that might have taken place while we the parents were getting movies. Soon there after he had to go back to england becuase the law wanted him for child pornography charges so he went back divorced the woman here and left her in complete debt. now hes claiing to be some sort of psychic or some shit when i knew him he had no clue about any of that stuff and that was in 07. Becuase I am myself a clairvoiyant . miles has been warned on his myspace profile that a pending lawsuit will persue and charges will be filed against him on this matter and it would be a wise thing to return the email cuz i know miles comes in here quite often under anonymous names and such cuz hes just the kind of person who worries too much about what people are saying about him. i have not named named to protect the innocent but miles kendall knows exactly who this is typing this and he also knows he better comply correctly and to my liking.

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